Mobile Result
Company Profile |
Mobile Result is a small
enterprenurial marketing and business
development company. Our competitiveness is
based on solid marketing, business development, mobile and wireless
know how and on services and projects connected to those.
Mobile Result's business is divided in two
sections: Market entry services and Market development services.
Mobile Result's clients are comprised of mobile operators, service
providers, as well as telecommunications, electronics industry,
information technology and international product vendor corporations.
The management of Mobile Result has a background
in engineering, sales and marketing with leading operators and
hardware vendors. Our personal experience include: over 7 years
experience with operator Vodafone (business development) and over 10
years experience with hardware suppliers (Philips business
development). |
We offer over 30 years experience in this market
segment. We
have a wireless
trackrecord working with vendors like Cisco, IBM, Ericsson, Fusion One, Ram mobile data, Azaire Networks,
Philips, Orange, Vodafone and Golden bytes.
Mobile Result is an active member of the
Telecom Society (Tsoc) and Fenit.
Vision |
Mobile Result focuses on creating a
faster method of building a customer footprint for mobile and wireless
ICT products and services vendors. We believe that this footprint is
the basis of any success. |
Our vision is that we can introduce
vendors faster with Dutch business customers and for much lower costs
and with a higher success rate. Mobile Result
also enables the vendors to
receive fast and direct feedback about the market, business friendly
users (customers) experiences and the product acceptance.

traditional value chain starts with a global vendor who has
developed a product. A local office has to be build or the right agent
has to be selected to sell the product locally. This traditional value
chain takes a long time to market since it takes time to build an
organization and get sales started. This requires general expenses
before anything happens in the market.

We believe this traditional strategy
could be an option for a long term strategy (>7 years) but not
successful for products with a short lifecycle.